عبدالله بشير الفليبيني

• Gothenburg's Mosque
(Classical Arabic Language, Quran Recitation & Tafsir Studies, Shariah & Islamic Fiqh Studies)

الْجَامِعَةُ الإِسْلَامِيَّةُ بِالْمَدِينَةِ الْمُنَوَّرَةِ
• Islamic University of Madinah
(Ma‘had Lughat al-‘Arabiyyah) Arabic Language Institute
- 1 semester

الدِّبْلُومَاتُ وَالشَّهَادَاتُ مِنْ بَرَامِجِ العُلُومِ الإِسْلَامِيَّةِ وَدِرَاسَاتِ الإِسْلَامِ

• "Explanation of (Surah) Al-Ikhlaas"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of Ayat Al-Kursi - The Greatest Verse in the Quran"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "The Islamic Faith"

Diploma (Islamic Fiqh Academy)

• "A Concise Biography of the
Prophet ﷺ and His Special Traits"

Diploma (As-Sunnah College)

• "Rulings of Islamic Law"

Diploma (Islamic Fiqh Academy)

• "The Three Fundamental Principles"
with Ijazah

Diploma (As-Sunnah College)

• "Nawaqid Al-Islam (The Ten Nullifiers of Islam)" with Ijazah

Diploma - (As-Sunnah College)

• "Al-Qawāʿid Al-Arbaʿa (The Four Foundations)"

Diploma (As-Sunnah College)

• "Fiqh of Purification & Description of Wudu (Ablution)"

Diploma (As-Sunnah College)

• "Rulings on Ablution, i.e. Wudu"

Diploma (Islamic Fiqh Academy)

• "Fiqh of Fasting, Zakat Al-Fitr, & Eid"

Diploma (As-Sunnah College)

• "Ruling on Fasting"

Diploma (Islamic Fiqh Academy)

• "Pillars of Mercy: The Fiqh of the Zakat & Ramadan"

Certificate (Al-Kauthar Institute)

• "Tafseer of the Surah The Disbelievers - Al-Kafirun (The Faithless)"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of Surah Al-Fatihah from Tafseer Sa'di"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Explanation of (Surah) An-Nas"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Explanation of (Surah) Al-Falaq"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of (Surah) Al-Qariah (The Striking Hour)"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of the Chapters 103-105 (Surah) Al-Asr, (Surah) Al-Humazah, (Surah) Al-Fil"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of Surah At-Takaathur "Competition for worldly gains"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Explanation of the Madani Surah "The Divine Support" (i.e. Surah An-Nasr)"3

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Explanation of (Surah) Al-Masad"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of Surah Al-Zalzalah "The Quake"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "The Tafseer of Chapters Quraish, Ma'un, Kawthar"

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "Tafseer of Surah Al-Adiyat (The Courser Horses)

Certificate (As-Sunnah College)

• "iERA Dawah Training Course"

Diploma (Sheik Abdur Raheem Green. Founder and Chairman of iERA)

• "33 Lessons for Every Muslim"

Certificate (AlKauthar Institute)

• "Thank God it’s Jumuah: Everything you need to know about Friday"

Certificate (AlKauthar Institute)

• "Fundamentals of Shariah"

Certificate (Inceif University)

• "Prophet's Prayer Described (Sifatu Salatin Nabi PBUH)"
A renowned work of the late Imam and Scholar of Hadeeth, Muhammad Nasirudin Al-Albani (May Allah bestow His Mercy upon him)

Certificate (Australian Institute Of Islamic Sciences)

• "Madinah Arabic Grammar - Book 1"

Certificate (Australian Institute Of Islamic Sciences)

• "Umdat Al-Ahkam"

Certificate (Australian Institute of Islamic Sciences)

• "Ash-Shamail Al-Muhammadiyyah"

Certificate (Australian Institute of Islamic Sciences)

• "Lives and Principles of 4 Imams"

Certificate (Australian Institute of Islamic Sciences)

• "New Muslim Course - Level 1"

Certificate (Islamic Information Center/Dar Al Ber Society)